
2024 Webinars

February 8, Thursday, 4 – 5 pm The Basics of Soil and Renewable Energy


  • Olivia Peters, Soil Health Specialist, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS-USDA), Area 3 (Fresno)

  • Rachel MacDowell, Soil Health Specialist, NRCS, Area 1 (Oroville)

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84355014859?pwd=NkVmOG1aWkU2bnYyLzBkSmZtd3BlUT09


  • Interdisciplinary nature of soil science/inherent and dynamic soil properties

  • Soil mineral composition and nutrient storage

  • Soil types for different land uses

  • Organic matter and carbon cycle/sequestration

  • Soil Classification

  • Climate change and soil health – Review from last year

  • Research articles, case studies, and current events

Study links

February 17, Saturday, 10:30 – 11:30 am Wildlife and Renewable Energy Development in the Desert

Presenter: Jeffrey E. Lovich, PhD, FLS, Research Ecologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science Center, Flagstaff, AZ

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87470193147?pwd=S2RLa2pONWEzUEtUM25hU3d2bnoxUT09


Dr. Lovich will present his research on both wind and solar energy on wildlife with an emphasis on terrestrial non-avian species. He will summarize the state of scientific knowledge of the effects (positive, neutral, and negative) of renewable energy development on wildlife with attention on the desert tortoise ecology in an operating wind farm. Potential effects of solar and wind energy development include, but are not limited to, direct mortality: destruction and modification of habitat, including impacts of roads, habitat fragmentation, and barriers to gene flow.

Study links:









March 4, 4:00 – 5:15 pm (Double Webinars)
Bringing Back The Beaver: Partnering with Beavers for Restoration Success
Presenter: Garrett Costello, Restoration Specialist, Symbiotic Restoration
Despite our complicated early relationship with beavers, they are now revered for engineering wetland habitats that help fight climate change and preserve biodiversity. Dive into the restoration practices that aim to bring back the beaver.
Study links
Watersheds 101
Presenter: Marcos Perez, Management Analyst, US Department of Agriculture – Natural Resources Conservation Service
Students will learn how the watershed concept is used to manage water resources. The first step is delineating a watershed using a topographic map. Automated web-based tools are also helpful for delineating watersheds. The science behind water resources is called hydrology. Various hydrologic methods are used to calculate water budgets and flow.
Study links
Note: Teachers, in advance of this webinar, please print out the attached Contour Map document for your students to hand draw a watershed.
Contour Map

March 5, Tuesday, 4:00 – 5:30 pm Forestry and Renewable Energy


  • Jason Butcher, Wood Products and Bioenergy Program, CAL FIRE

  • Sutton Guldner, Head of Business Development, Arbor Energy

  • Farrah Powell, Senior Program Manager, Arbor Energy

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84021149070?pwd=cysvbzhMMjV4RnpEV2RaekExWDlDdz09


Students will learn about forest management considerations for renewable energy production, the economics of forest-based renewable energy, technology used to create forest-based renewable energy, funding mechanisms for implementing forest-based renewable energy, and education pathways for students interested in this topic.

Study links (note: more may be added)

March 13, Wednesday 4-5pm California Offshore Wind Energy

Synopsis: Offshore wind is an important part of the solution to meet California’s clean energy goals, but has potential negative impacts on the marine environment, especially to our incredible bird life. This presentation will briefly describe the offshore wind turbine technology planned for California, the California Coastal Commission’s regulatory authority, the bird life found in the planned wind energy areas, and how to mitigate the worst impacts to birds. We’ll look at real case studies in other parts of the world as well as modeled risk assessments to better plan for seabird-safer offshore wind in California. 

Presenters’ official titles:

Holly Wyer – California Coastal Commission – Senior Environmental Scientist
Whitney Grover – Golden Gate Bird Alliance – Deputy Director

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 840 4352 5737
Passcode: 531404

Study Links:

Please review the follow study materials prior to the webinar

Additional optional study links for further reading:

March 26, Tuesday, 4:00 – 5:00 pm, Opportunities and Challenges for Pollinator Habitat on Solar Farms
Solar farms are considered an instrumental tool to meet the U.S.’s clean energy goals. However, the construction of solar farms has a negative effect on ecosystems, the environment, and the availability of farmland to sustain food production. In recent years, the concept of creating pollinator habitat on solar farms has been gaining popularity as a way to both offset the negative effects of solar development, and benefit pollinators. Pollinator populations are currently in decline, including in agricultural areas, where their services are needed to produce crops.
Presenter: Dr. Rei Scampavia, WRA Environmental Consultants

Topic: Opportunities and Challenges for Pollinator Habitat on Solar Farms

Time: Mar 26, 2024 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 841 6431 3782
Passcode: 906582

Topic: Soil Pedagogy and Landscape Relationships
Time: Monday April 1, 2024  04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Synopsis: How the factors of soil formation influence it’s surrounding landscape, and vice versa.
Presenters: Phil Smith
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 1724 1634
Passcode: 392573

Topic: Klamath Dam Removal:  Regulatory History and Tribal Perspectives
Time: April 2 @ 4:00 – 5:30 pm

Synopsis: The removal of four hydroelectric dams from the Klamath River dam  is one of the largest dam removals in history of the United States, This webinar will focus on part of the history, the issues resulting from the and  the  regulatory process of the dam removal.  The webinar will also present Tribal perspectives on bridging the gaps between traditional ecological knowledge and contemporary science as it relates to the dam removal.


Sue Keydel is a scientist who worked for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Water Division as a watershed restoration coordinator for over 20 years. For over a decade she was actively involved in the regulatory process of the Klamath dam removal project. 

Keith Parker is a Senior Fisheries Biologist for the Yurok Tribe of California and an enrolled Tribal member. He co-stewards harvest management of fish on the lower 44-miles of the Klamath River and conducts genetic analysis of returning Trinity River Hatchery salmon in collaboration with UC Santa Cruz. Keith also chairs two graduate student committees at UC San Diego – SCRIPPS Institution of Oceanography and is a lecturer at Cal Poly Humboldt, teaching ESM 105 (Natural Resource Conservation). 

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 851 8225 5902
Passcode: 856079

Study links – (55 minutes total)

  1. Video – Inside the fight behind one of the largest-ever dam removals – Washington Post – 6 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy6zzFZCi0s
  2. Video & article – Multiple viewpoints and issues related to the Dam removal  – Klamath dams are coming out | Dam removal project on the Klamath River | Oregon Field Guide – Oregon Public Broadcasting – 11 minutes  https://www.opb.org/article/2023/10/06/massive-dam-removal-project-spurs-hope-in-the-klamath-basin/
  3. Audio and Article – After a century of displacement, Shasta Indian Nation sees hope in dam removal – Oregon Public Broadcasting (4.5 minutes) – https://www.opb.org/article/2023/10/15/klamath-oregon-dam-removal-shasta-indian-nation-native-american-indigenous-culture/
  4. Video – ABC News – World’s biggest dam removal project changing a California river – multiple viewpoints (14 minutes) – https://youtu.be/VOh705rE_6w?si=VONbbk_M3k449emQ
  5. Video – KGW News  Crews begin reservoir drawdown on Klamath River dam removal project (2 minutes)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdFVu4DgDaI
  6. Video & article – As Klamath River dams come down, old lands emerge and the landscape begins to heal (overview of drawdown impacts) – AZ Central (2 minutes)  https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona/2024/02/16/klamath-river-undergoes-heart-surgery-as-dams-come-down/72497464007/
  7. Video – Swiftwater Films – timelapse of deconstruction of Copco 2 dam – Fall 2023  (3 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWkzUEFTCms&pp=ygUWc2hhbmUgYW5kZXJzb24ga2xhbWF0aA%3D%3D
  8. Copco Lake after  drawdown – Klamath River Dam Removal (drone footage 2/2/24) – (3 mins) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPf3o5Oq5X8

Additional Resources:

  1. Water Education Foundation –
    1. summary of Basin issues https://www.watereducation.org/aquapedia/klamath-river-basin
    2. Klamath River Basin Chronology – https://www.watereducation.org/aquapedia/klamath-river-basin-chronology
  2. OSU Podcast –  What it takes to take down a dam – 10 episodes-  https://agsci-labs.oregonstate.edu/klamath/what-it-takes-to-take-down-a-dam/ 
    1. Why did we do this? – Desiree Tullos/Prof. Water Resources Engineering, OSU
    2. I’m not doing this for myself. I’m doing this for my kids. – Barry McCovey Jr., Yurok Tribal member and director of the Fisheries Program for the Tribe on management, restoration, and science around fisheries on the river
    3. The Healing Process has begun.  Mark Bransom, CEO of the Klamath River Renewal Corporation, shares lots of fascinating details about the timeline, logistics, etc.
    4. Getting to the dam removal decision. – Bob Gravely / PacifiCorp explains how the private electric utility reached the decision that removing their four dams on the Klamath River was in the best interest of ratepayers.
    5. How Gwen sleeps at night: Communication, expertise, and partnering in the project of a career.  Gwen Santos with Resource Environmental Solutions (RES) walks us through how
      the many contractors are orchestrating such a large project, and why constant communication and the right expertise are essential. She explains some of the vast scale of site restoration, a large and often underappreciated aspect of all dam.
    6. The fish will figure it out. – Dr. Tommy Williams from NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center. Tommy provides a clear overview of why the dam removal is so important for the Klamath River fish as the system faces climate change and other threats
    7. Lessons in adaptive environmental permitting.  Chris Stine with ODEQ walks us through how the states (CA and OR) worked the permitting process to support the projects,
      setting an important precedence for how environmental permitting can adapt
      along with the environment
    8. There will be mud!Chauncey Anderson, recently retired from the US Geological Survey, helps unpack what we think we know about the water quality changes ahead for the Klamath, what could happen with all of that sediment (13 million cubic yards) stored behind the dams, and how the temperature, nutrients, and algae in the river could change.
    9. A lot to celebrate: White water guides talk Klamath dams and dam removal. – guides
      from Indigo Creek Outfitters discuss the “Upper Klamath” (bleow JC Boyle dam) with legendary rapids with big waves and exciting drops. With the dams gone, flows will be much more variable and less predictable, eliminating the reach as a reliable option for guiding
      businesses – a loss for recreational users of the river, but also creating new opportunities.
    10. It feels like we have no control – Two local landowners at Copco Lake, share their perspectives on the impacts of the dam removals on local residents, as well as the threats facing rural communities in the American West more broadly
  3. PacifiCorp’s Klamath webpage – https://www.pacificorp.com/energy/hydro/klamath-river.html
  4. Klamath River Renewal Corp (KRRC) – https://klamathrenewal.org/
  5. Klamath Dam Removal Overview Report for the Secretary of the Interior. An Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information.  March 2013 – https://klamathrenewal.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/A7-Full-SDOR-accessible-022216.pdf
  6. Klamath Basin Monitoring Program – facilitates the coordination and implementation of water quality monitoring in support of the stewardship, protection, and restoration of all beneficial uses within the Klamath River watershed, with the goal of restoring water quality.
    1. Home page has recent articles, reports etc – great info source!
    2. ID’s: partners, WQ monitoring, real-time Cyanobacteria blooms (BGA Tracker) and fish health data,
    3. Meetings, Presentation’s, and important documents- excellent overview to the many players needed to steward a watershed.  https://kbmp.net/documents/meeting-minutes
  7. Scott River Watershed Feb 2024 meeting (tour and watershed management/restoration  
  1. Scott Watershed Informational Forum (SWIF) Field Tour 2024
  2. Water Rights Workshop, Scott Watershed Informational Forum and Soil Health and Scott Valley Agricultural Water Conservation Forum 2024

Topic: Renewable Energy and Soil Health
Time: April 5, 2024  4:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Synopsis: How renewable energy affects soil health, and how the two can work together, along with regenerative agriculture, to help slow the effects of climate change.
Presenters: Madeline Tomé and (tentatively) Robert Eichas
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 852 8603 8555
Passcode: 686412

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