2023 Webinars


California Envirothon YouTube

Wildlife/Water “Beaver Believer: Climate Change Hero”
VIDEO – Beaver Believer: Climate Change Hero

The CAE Resources Advisory Panel plans and organizes a series of one-hour webinars related to the current issue “Adapting to a Changing Climate” for the student teams to learn more about the connections of the issue to the study topic areas of wildlife, aquatics, soils and forestry.

Academics and natural resource experts in the field will present their lectures via Zoom.
This is an opportunity for the teams to interact with them.

The Zoom link will be provided prior to the date of the webinar.

Study links for each webinar will be provided as background materials for teams to prepare.

The series will last through April 8.

Webinar Schedule

February 18 @ 10:00 am: “Joshua Trees: Managing for Climate Change”
Dr. Lynn Sweet, UC Riverside (presenter).
Ilima Segoviano, NRCS, Indio
 [email protected])


February 25 @ 10 am: “Monarchs Vulnerability to Climate Change”
Frank Bradley (NRCS) and Anna Britzman (NRCS), Co-hosts
Presenters: Ruby Stahel, Conservation Project Manager, Napa County Resource Conservation District, Erin Arnsteen, Western Program Coordinator, Monarch Joint Venture, and Frank Bradley, Biologist, NRCS, Napa Field Office
(contact: Frank Bradley,[email protected])


Envirothon Wildlife Webinar: Monarchs

Presented by Frank Bradley, Ruby Stahel, and Erin Arnsteen 2/25/2023


  1. Monarch Butterfly Conservation | Xerces Society
  2. Western Monarch Conservation | Xerces Society
  3. Western monarch call to action | Xerces Society
  4. Monarch Butterfly Biology (usda.gov)
  5. Life Cycle | The Monarch Joint Venture
  6. Habitat Needs | The Monarch Joint Venture
  7. Species Profile for Monarch butterfly(Danaus plexippus) (fws.gov)
  8. State and Federally Listed Endangered and Threatened Animals of California
  9. CESA to the Federal Endangered Species Act (ca.gov)
  10. Monarch FAQ_Nov2021.pdf
  11. Danaus plexippus ssp. plexippus (Migratory Monarch Butterfly) (iucnredlist.org)
  12. Scientific Collecting Permits (ca.gov)
  13. Insect decline in the Anthropocene: Death by a thousand cuts
  14. Western Monarch Population Plummets: Status, Probable Causes, and Recommended Conservation Actions
  15. Fewer butterflies seen by community scientists across the warming and drying landscapes of the American West (may not be publicly accessible)
    1. Article summarizing these findings
  16. Here’s How America Uses Its Land
  17. Xerces Pesticide Website
  18. MJV Fact Sheet – “Risks of Neonicotinoid Use to Pollinators”
  19. Agricultural margins could enhance landscape connectivity for pollinating insects across the Central Valley of California, U.S.A.
February 25 @ 2 pm: “Soil Basics: Formation, Processes and Properties”
Host/Presenters: Robert Eichas and Madeline Tome, NRCS

March 4 @ 10 am: “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, To Keep Bighorn Sheep From Facing Climate Change”
Paige Prentice, formerly with California Department of Fish & Wildlife, currently at Oregon State University.
Anna Britzman, NRCS, Hollister
 [email protected])

Bighorn Sheep Resources
Envirothon Wildlife Team 2022-23
Preparation for Webinar on 3/4/23 with Paige Prentice

1. Desert Bighorn Sheep – Joshua Tree National Park (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov)
– Description, habitat, food, activity, life history, conservation

2. Desert Bighorn Sheep – Species Distribution Model, DRECP | Data Basin
– Desert bighorn sheep potential habitat map

3. Monitoring Efforts (ca.gov)
– Monitoring efforts, capture methods, population surveys, and waterhole sits and cameras for bighorn sheep by CDFW

4. Desert Bighorn Sheep: Connecting a Desert Landscape (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov)
– Article with background on sheep biology, research information, and pictures

5. Featured Scientist | Paige Prentice (ca.gov)
– Background on Paige Prentice (presenter)

Effects of Climate Change on Population Persistence of Desert-Dwelling Mountain Sheep in California – PDF

March 4 @ 2 pm: “The Importance of Wetlands for MIgratory Birds Along the Pacific Flyway” Tentative Speakers: Yolo Basin Foundation, Ducks Unlimited and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (contact: Russell Huddleston, [email protected])
– Webinar March 4th @ 2PM – Wetlands and Migratory Bird

  1. Cliff Feldheim – Fish and Wildlife Biologist, Yolo Basin Foundation
  2. Tim Johnson – California Rice Commission – rice  farming and waterfowl habitat
  3. Donna Ball – San Francisco Estuary Institute – south bay salt pond restoration project

March 11 @ 2 pm: “Soil Specifics: Land Classification and Nutrient Management”
Hosts/Presenters: Robert Eichas and Madeline Tome, NRCS

March 25 @ 2pm: “Soil Health: Carbon Storage and Climate Change” 
Hosts/Presenters: Robert Eichas and Madeline Tome, NRCS


April 8 @ 1-2 pm: “The Effects of Climate Change on California Fisheries”

Presenter: Cliff Feldheim, Senior Project Manager, Cal Trout 

Host/Contact: Russell Huddleston, Ecologist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ([email protected])





Impacts of climate change for coastal fishers and implications for fisheries
Small-scale fisheries under climate change in the Pacific Islands region
Observations of climate change among subsistence-oriented communities around the world
Use of traditional environmental knowledge to assess the impact of climate change on subsistence fishing in the James Bay Region of Northern Ontario, Canada

April 8 @ 2:30 pm: Examining Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) through the Lens of Climate Change

Host: Zoe Chan, US EPA, San Francisco([email protected])

Presenters and Study Resources

  1. Yeana Kwagh, US Environmental Protection Agency: General overview of harmful algal blooms and potentially provide insight to EPA’s HABs programs.