2019 Scenario

UPDATE: The 2019 Current Scenario is now available!
(uploaded 03/27/2019)

2019 Current Scenario


For the 2019 event, the current scenario presentations will be presented on site during the station rotations.

All teams will present in-person on March 30, 2019. Presentations will be 15 minutes + 5 min for questions from the preliminary orals judges.

Each team member may use 7 3×5 note cards, which must be turned in at check-in. Each team may use up to 5 flip-chart sheets.

Teams should plan on bringing their presentation materials with them the day of the event.


NCF Envirothon has published the 2019 Key Topics & Learning Objectives.

NCF Envirothon has also published the 2019 Key Topic Resources.

While this study guide is directed to teams competing in North Carolina at the NCF Envirothon in 2019, many of the resources will be helpful in preparing for the CA Envirothon. The CA Envirothon Steering Committee will update this page with additional (California-specific) resources as our event draws closer. Please check back often for updates!

Conservation Tillage

No-tillage management of olive groves can improve soil structure while maintaining yield

Conservation Tillage — UC SAREP – Agricultural Sustainability

Conservation tillage impacts on soil, crop and the environment

Common methods of conservation tillage

Selecting the right cover crop gives multiple benefits

Biological Pest Control

Biological Control and Natural Enemies of Invertebrates Management

What is Biological Control? – Cornell University

Biological Pest Control – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Principles

Olive – Agricultural pest management – Weed Management in Organic Orchards

Agricultural Biotechnology


What is Agricultural Biotechnology?

The Future of Agricultural Biotechnology

Big data in precision agriculture

Project Uses Drones to Scan the Needs of Every TreeProject Uses Drones to Scan the Needs of Every Tree

Satellite data provide a new way to monitor groundwater aquifers in agricultural regions

Smart Irrigation Technology: Controllers and Sensors

Protecting Our Pollinators


Olive Production in California

Best Practices for Growers – Olives


Soil properties in organic olive orchards following different weed management in a rolling landscape of Andalusia, Spain

Award-Winning Olive Oil Producer Thinks Weed Control Is for the Birds

Agro-silvo-pastoral systems in Italy: integration and diversification

Important New Report Calls for Transformation of the Food System
The EAT Lancet Commission has just issued an incredible report that begins with these words, “Food is the single strongest lever to optimize human health and environmental sustainability on Earth…. A radical transformation of the global food system is urgently needed.”

ARTICLE: The mission to capture storms’ water before it flows away

ARTICLE: Reuse of Agricultural Wastewater

ARTICLE: The Vertical Farm

ARTICLE: U.S.’s first robotic farm opens in the Bay AreaA